Special Offers!
Trial Offer for New Clients,
Birthday Month Discounts,
Referral Discounts,
Same Week Openings.
The special offers on this page cannot be combined.
New Clients-My Signature Massage:
In order to experience the full range of benefits, a special trial offer is available on up to 3 massages!
A special price is available on appointments scheduled between 6/1/2024 and 9/30/2024. Pay as you go:
60 minutes: $65 ea (normally $90).
75 minutes: $80 ea (normally $113).
90 minutes: $95 ea (normally $135).
120 minutes $125 ea (normally $180).
Birthday Month Discounts:
A $15 coupon will be sent by email at the beginning of each month, or feel free to mention your birthday month to me when you schedule.
Referral Discounts are boosted through September, 2024:
Summer is THE BEST TIME for me to welcome in new clients! Not only do they receive the lowest price of the year, but you will receive $25 off for every new client that is seen by 9/30/2024!
New clients must reside locally at least half of the year to qualify for the discount.
Same Week Openings!
Choose anything open on my calendar for the CURRENT WEEK: Sunday - Thursday.
Cannot replace routine, preset/standing appointments in my book, or prepaid packages/gift certificates.
Email notifications are sent out when there are openings I want to fill, or feel free to check my calendar anytime!
First Come/First Served, and prices vary.