FAQ's and Answers:
Q: How often should I receive a massage to receive therapeutic benefits?
A: My Signature Massage offers the maximum benefits when seeking relief from acute or chronic pain/injuries.
In the beginning of your treatment protocol, the optimal massage regimen is once per week for 4 - 6 weeks. For maintenance, some clients do well with every other week. A minimum of one massage per month is recommended, though that will most often keep things at bay, rather than provide progressive results.
Schedule as often as you can and you will feel better, in one way or another!
Q: How much time should I schedule for my massages?
A: All appointments are given the full time scheduled. Choosing the right amount of massage time varies considerably with each client. All attempts are made to provide you with an effective massage, given the time made available.
For Relaxation Massage, 50 - 60 minutes is sufficient. With Comprehensive, Deep Tissue/Therapeutic Massage, the more time I have to work with you, the better. I will always make recommendations based upon the nature of your sessions. If extra time can't be scheduled, a partial body massage may be given.
Q: Will I be covered up with a sheet?
A: Yes. It is required by law and preferred by most professional massage therapists. You are "draped" with a sheet, and only the body part I am working on at any given point in time will be exposed.
Q: Do I have to get completely undressed?
A: Generally you are asked to completely undress. But, it is important that you feel comfortable during your massage. Panties & briefs may be left on, if preferred.
The only reason massage therapists ask you to completely undress is to be able to have free access to the gluteal region. This is the largest muscle group in the body, and is often involved in low back, hip and leg pain. However, this area can be worked on through a towel or sheet as well.
Trust in knowing that professional massage therapists are no different than doctors in the way we view the body: in terms of anatomy and physiology only.
Q: Why does the massage feel uncomfortable at times?
A: When considerable tension is present, the tissues become tight and restricted. Because of that, they receive less blood flow and therefore less oxygen and nutrition, and can become full of toxins. The level of tenderness can increase according to the time between sessions. With frequent sessions, massages usually becomes very pain free and relaxing. Another reason regular massage is highly recommended!
Q: Should I wait to be in pain to schedule a massage?
A: No, but sadly, many people do. The goal is to maintain a stress/tension free body. Once you have pain, it is the same as waiting until you're thirsty to drink water, or hungry to eat food. Your body is definitely signaling something is not right to you.
The simplest way to put this is: tension accumulates, it does not go away. By the time you feel it, it is over done, your body is over saturated and screaming out for your attention!
Q: Will a few massages be enough to correct my muscular pain?
A: Generally, there is no quick fix with anything we do. From eating right to exercising, it takes time to see results.
It takes time to change muscle memory patterns. The longer a problem exists, the more time it can take to show improvement.
In my experience with clients, there are many times when they tell me that even one massage has helped them immensely, often over a lapse of 2 weeks or more! So, the right kind of massage can actually be very effective!
With massage therapy, much depends on the nature of the condition. Chronic pain or long standing issues require frequent sessions, especially in the beginning, with a maintenance program afterwards. Though massage can do wonders, there are some conditions that are not fully remedied by massage, so I aim for realistic expectations.
Regardless of what ails you, massage will help you feel less stressed, and the health benefits cannot be minimized! Massage boosts the immune system, which is the key to staying healthy in all cases.
Q: I receive regular massage therapy but I still have tension. Why?
A: Tension and stress will always be a part of our reality. Even exercising creates muscle tension. Emotional stress, postural habits and sleeping patterns also effect our body daily.
Because massage therapy is not a permanent cure in most cases, even the clients who receive massage every week come in with some degree of tightness and pain. The difference is in the amount of time that has passed between massages.
For every week that goes by, more and more tension will accumulate. The amount of tension that has accumulated since the massage received will have to be cleared away. If that was a long time ago, there's usually a lot of built up/settled in tension. If it was a week ago, you have one weeks worth, which is new tension, and is easily released.
Q: Is it okay to exercise before or after a massage?:
A: I recommended that clients do their best to consider their massage day to be a day of R & R: Repair and Restoration. It is best to schedule massages on non-exercise days if possible, in order to achieve maximum benefits. But, if you must exercise, it is best to do so before your massage, not afterwards.
Postponing high energy/hard core workouts allows me to become aware of, and differentiate between tension areas that are normally present, versus addressing tension due to being pumped up by strenuous exercise.
These are only recommendations, and each client must decide what works best for them.
All answers to questions have been written by Jan Jakubowski, LMT.
Please Read About:
Benefits of Massage:
Budgeting time and money for bodywork at consistent intervals is when the maximum benefits can be achieved. And remember, feeling good in your body is NOT a luxury! Regular massage is truly an investment in your health and emotional well-being, as you will discover by reading what is here for you!
I am happy to do whatever I can do to help clients schedule as frequently as possible. And best of all, as a private practitioner, I can help you establish a treatment protocol at a price you CAN afford!
Experts estimate that upwards of 90% of all disease is stress related, and perhaps nothing ages us faster, internally and externally, than high stress. While eliminating anxiety and pressure altogether in this fast-paced world may be unrealistic, massage can, without a doubt, help manage stress.
Furthermore, the emotional balance bodywork provides can often be just as vital and valuable as the more tangible physical benefits. In response to massage, specific physiological and chemical changes cascade throughout the body, with profound effects. This translates into:
Contraindications of Massage:
There are times when receiving a massage is not a good idea for you or your therapist! These are the most common contraindications. Please consult with your doctor before you receive a massage, if you are being treated for any medical condition.
Contraindications to receiving a massage are set by the agencies that regulate the massage therapy industry, and are meant for ALL massage businesses and practitioners to follow. This sets a standard for quality, and protects all concerned.